Smoking and surgery don’t mix…take the Stoptober Challenge

We all know that quitting smoking is challenging. But if you’re having a surgical procedure at Klinikal, you’ll need to stop smoking in advance of your surgery. Exactly how far in advance will depend on the extent of your surgery, but it’s typically around 4-6 weeks prior to your procedure.

And the good news is that the NHS’s Stoptober challenge initiative is a fantastic opportunity to kick the habit for good! Over 2.3 million people have taken part since the Challenge began a decade ago, and Stoptober has become the UK’s best-known quit-smoking campaign. So, if you’re among the 70% of smokers eager to stop permanently, read on to discover how Stoptober can help you achieve a smoke-free lifestyle.

What is Stoptober?

This 28-day challenge that takes place every October. It’s grounded in research which indicates that if you quit smoking for 28 days, you’re 5 times more likely to quit permanently. The challenge makes the quitting process simpler, breaking it down into manageable 28-day segments. Participants are encouraged to embark on this journey with friends or family, as this has been shown to improve success rates.

Why choose Stoptober?

A supportive community

If you’ve ever tried to quit smoking, you’ll know that it’s tough. Only 3-5% of smokers who go cold turkey manage to stop long-term. Stoptober provides lots of resources and tools to help as well as daily emails and personalised quit plans. This comprehensive support network can keep you motivated throughout your journey.

The power of collective quitting

It can be empowering to quit as part of a group – sharing your experience can give you the extra push you need. And openly discussing your quit attempt can also make you more committed to sticking with it.

Fewer triggers

One of the most challenging aspects of quitting is avoiding situations where you’d typically smoke. With millions participating in Stoptober, you’ll find fewer people smoking as well as fewer temptations. You can even collaborate with a friend to avoid trigger situations altogether, at least until the worst cravings subside.

A manageable commitment

The 28-day structure of Stoptober makes the challenge feel more achievable. You can sign up for daily motivational emails from the NHS. And even if you resume smoking later, you’ll still have the satisfaction of having met your goal, which could be a stepping stone to quitting for good.

Tips for a successful Stoptober

List your reasons: Write down why you want to quit – for example, so you can have the surgery that you want – and refer to this list whenever you need extra motivation.

Seek support: Use the available resources and support services to enhance your chances of quitting.

Plan for cravings: Have a strategy in place to manage cravings when they hit.

Don’t give up: If you relapse, don’t let it derail your efforts. Use it to learn and strengthen your resolve.

How to take part

Participating in Stoptober is so easy – just attempt to quit smoking for 28 days in October! There’s no need to sign up or pay; simply choose an approach that suits you. There are a wealth of tools and advice to help you on your journey.

Stoptober has proven its effectiveness year after year, with thousands quitting successfully. So why not make this October the month you quit smoking for good? With a supportive community and plenty of resources at your disposal, there’s never been a better time to take the plunge – and you could finally have the surgery that you’ve been thinking about, too.


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