Arantza Sanchez-Garcia

You might have heard of liposuction, a procedure which can remove fat. But have you heard of Vaser liposuction?

Taking the first step

Arantza, 26, was only familiar with it after her very first call with us. She’d previously thought that traditional liposuction was the procedure for her, and had been considering it for a few years. “I was interested in having it, particularly on my tummy and sides – areas that I’d felt a bit self-conscious about for a long time.” 

So, Arantza began to research her options. Online, she came across Klinikal. “I was initially drawn to Klinikal because of the incredible patient reviews and the fact that they had a clinic on Harley Street.” Her first point of contact was her Surgeon Assistant, Emma, who took her through her options. “Emma was brilliant! She was so friendly, super caring, and always on the other end of the phone if I needed anything.” 


Meeting my surgeon

Next, it was time for Arantza to meet her surgeon, Mr Agha, who recommended 360 Vaser liposuction to achieve the results that she wanted. “I formed a nice bond with Mr Agha,” Arantza tells us. “He was so reassuring and explained everything that the procedure involved. I felt really safe in his hands.” 

Arantza’s procedure, 360 Vaser liposuction, is different to the traditional liposuction that she’d originally wanted. While traditional lipo removes stubborn fat via suction, Vaser lipo takes a gentler approach by breaking down the fat with ultrasound waves before it’s removed. The ‘360’ part of the procedure refers to the fact that it targets both the front and back of the body in one surgery. 

“It’s given me a massive confidence boost, which is the reason I decided to do this in the first place.

My quality of life has improved too, as I’ve been making lifestyle changes to get the most out of my results. I’ve stopped drinking as much as I did before and I’m more careful with the type of food I put into my body.

I’m enjoying walking my dog as much as I can to get the very best results, too.”
Arantza Sanchez-Garcia

Post-op recovery

Arantza is about one-month post-op, and her recovery experience has been smooth. She credits this speedy recovery with the aftercare advice and support she’s received from the Klinikal team. 

“I started moving around and going for walks as soon as I was able to, based on Mr Agha and Emma’s advice. I’ve been also drinking a lot of water and eating a healthy diet, which has helped my recovery a lot.” 

Arantza’s results have already enhanced her life. “It’s given me a massive confidence boost, which is the reason I decided to do this in the first place. My quality of life has improved too, as I’ve been making lifestyle changes to get the most out of my results. I’ve stopped drinking as much as I did before and I’m more careful with the type of food I put into my body. I’m enjoying walking my dog as much as I can to get the very best results, too.” 


Advice from Arantza

With incredible results and a fantastic experience, what advice would Arantza give to those considering a similar procedure? 

“I’d say go for it! Do your research and follow your post-surgery instructions as much as you can – they’re essential. I also couldn’t recommend Klinikal enough. The team are always so happy to accommodate your needs and will be in touch with you regularly to make sure that everything is ok. The service was incredible from start to finish.” 

If you’re thinking about having cosmetic surgery, we could help. Our team of experts could help you get the results you’re looking for, just like Arantza.

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